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Interactive Brokers

Interactive Brokers customers can setup connection of the Tiger.Trade platform to Trader Workstation terminal.

Follow these steps:

1. Start Trader Workstation in main menu click File - Global Config.

2. Select Configuration - API - Settings.

3. Please turn on these features if they are not checked:

  • Enable ActiveX and Socket clients

  • Download open orders on connection

  • Allow connections from localhost only

4. Remember socket port № (7497 by default). If this port is in use by other software - change it to a free one.

5. Press OK to Save and exit.

6. Start Tiger.Trade choose File in main menu - Connections - Setup.

7. In the opened window click “+” Create new connection and select TWS in dropdown list.

8. In connection setup window type in Server, Port: 7497 (or other socket port that you choose) If this is the only connection to Trader Workstation, set ID client to 0 (zero). Press ОК.

You have successfully setup connection to Interactive Brokers. To connect Tiger.Trade to Interactive Brokers use File - Connections - TWS.

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