Obtaining a user ID in @userinfobot
1. You need to open the Telegram messenger and enter the name of the information bot in the search bar: @userinfobot.
2. In the dialog screen that opens, enter /start or press the Start button (or the Restart button if you’ve used the bot before).
You will receive a message in response containing information about your account:
@unklfrank // User nickname
ID: 520741679 // User ID
First: Frank // First name on Telegram
Last: Mohn // Last name on Telegram
Lang: Eng // Selected interface language
You need to save the numerical value of the user ID from the response that you receive.
Creating a bot in @BotFather for sending notifications from the Tiger.Trade terminal
1. In the search bar of the dialog screen in the Telegram messenger, you need to enter the name of the bot generator: @BotFather.
2. In the dialog screen that opens, go to the Menu → /newbot to create a new bot.
3. BotFather will request the name of your new bot for notifications. Once you have entered the name into the text field, you need to send the message.
4. Next, enter a username for the bot, which must end with _bot. The name must be unique.
5. If you have completed all of these steps correctly, BotFather will generate a token in the following format: number:code. This will be provided in the second paragraph of the message from the bot and will be highlighted in a dark blue color. You need to save this value.
Connecting a Telegram bot to the Tiger.Trade terminal
1. Open the terminal and go to the bot settings menu: Settings → Telegram alerts.
2. You’ll need to enter the relevant authorization data and set up the bot:
- Activate the “Enable” toggle.
- In the bot’s “Bot token” field, enter the token that you got from @BotFather.
- In the “Telegram ID” field, enter your user ID, as provided by @infobot.
- You can set up a proxy if necessary (in the case of a Telegram API that is inaccessible due to your geolocation).
- Press OK.
3. You’ll need to log in to Telegram and go to the bot via the link in the last message received from @BotFather. Open the bot’s dialog screen and press Start. The bot has now been set up to receive notifications from the terminal.