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Smart Tape

In the Smart Tape window all trades that are made on the market for the selected instrument are displayed.
To create a new window, select OpenSmart Tape in the main menu.

The window contains:
  • Instrument list control panel
  • Linking with other windows
  • Customizable columns of the trade feed
  • Area of visualization of the trade feed

Main toolbar




Opens the settings menu and options window.

Select symbol

Allows the instrument to be selected for which trades will be displayed.

Load history

Allows all trades for the selected instrument to be loaded into the window for a period of up to five days.

Clear Tape

Clears the entire list of trades

Trade feed

The trade feed is presented in the form of a table. To configure the columns, right-click on their names and check or uncheck the boxes.




Date of trade completion


Time of trade completion


Trade time in microseconds


Asset price at the time of the trade.


Trade volume. A (+) or (-) sign indicates the influence of the transaction on the change in open interest.

Avg Size

Average volume of an aggregated trade.


Best buy price in the DOM.

Bid Size

Volume of orders at the best purchase price.


Best selling price in the DOM.

Ask Size

Volume of orders at the best selling price.


Exchange on which the order is registered.

Open Int

Open interest. Total number of open contracts at the time of the trade.


Indicator of the speed of the trade feed’s movement.


Indicator of the balance of buys and sales for the time period indicated in the settings.

Trade feed parameters





This group of settings allows the color scheme of the trade feed to be configured.

Aggregate Ticks

Display trades executed at the same time as one trade.

Show OI Change

When an open interest changes, the direction of the change is displayed in the “volume” column with a (+) or (-) sign.

Minimum Volume

Trades less than the set value are not displayed.

Maximum Volume

Trades more than the set value are not displayed.

Empty Line Interval

Values are set in seconds. If there are no trades for the specified period, then this event is displayed as an empty line in the feed.

Balance Indicator Interval

Values are set in seconds. The indicator counts trades for the indicated period and graphically displays the ratio of buys and sells.




Min Size

Alert is activated when the trade volume is equal to or greater than the indicated value.

Max Size

Alert is activated when the trade volume is equal to or less than the indicated value.

Tick Side

Only buys, only sells or trades directed in any direction.


Field for selecting a sound notification.


Selecting the color for highlighting the line of a triggered notification.

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