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How can I get a free license to trade on Binance

To obtain a free license and trade on the Binance crypto exchange, your account on this exchange must be registered without a referral link.

That way you can trade on the Tiger.Trade platform without paying for a license, while still supporting the development of the platform, since Binance will return a portion of the commission from your trade to us.

To register a new account, follow the link. Next, check that the Referral ID field is empty.

If the field has been filled out, complete the following steps:

1. Open View site information and select Cookies.

2. One by one, select cookie addresses in the list and click the Remove button until the list is empty.

3. Refresh the page and check that the Referral ID field is now empty. Only then will you be able to use the free license.

Please note that if your Binance account is registered without a referral link, then both spot and futures trading on this exchange will be available to you with a free crypto license.
If your account is registered with a referral link, then only the Binance spot market will be available with a free crypto license. Futures trading will be available when using the full Tiger.Trade license. 

You can read the further steps for setting up a connection in the Settings section → Connections → Binance.

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